You submit a support request and our engineers get to work.
Each support request is received, categorised and designated a priority. An engineer or engineers will then resolve the issue. The Service Desk is how you can resolve your IT requests.
If you can’t find a page on Help, call us. It’s simply the fastest way to connect to an engineer.
We use Sentrian IP Telephony ourselves, so our engineers have constant phone access. If your issue is less urgent, send us an email and we will resolve the issue and get back to you.
First, check Help for a relevant article. Next, provide clear communication.
We will always try to resolve issues without disturbing your work day. However we will often need to discuss issues with you to fully understand the problem — and for us to be able to fix it to your satisfaction.
Monday is our busiest day of the week. Everyone is back at work from a break over the weekend and they log issues that they remember over that time.
We always resolve issues according to their designated priority, but a P5 request on a Monday morning may take longer to resolve than a P5 request logged on a Thursday afternoon.
Of course we always aim to resolve every issue within our agreed response and resolution times.
The Service Desk is powered entirely by our expert engineers. Every engineer is training and capable of providing support. They are located across Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, the Philippines and the U.S.
Each engineer is able to work in the office or remotely. No matter where they are located, they have full access to the resources they need to provide you with support.
Yes – if you ever have an issue with a device, and you can turn it off and on again without greatly disrupting your workflow, go ahead and try it.
The mass eye-rolling at Ralph’s jokes is distraction enough to take a moment, reset and get focused again.